Pulsar Industrial, Mining, Food and Beverage Solutions
Pulsar PTFM
This meter is recommended for clean liquids and beverages like water, oils and other liquids. The ultrasonic transducers clamp on the outside of metal or plastic pipes. Transducers can be mounted without shutting down flow and there is not obstruction or pressure drop. Calibration is fast and easy with the onscreen menu systems. The flow meters totalize and display flow in both directions (as positive or negative flow rates). The PTFM 1.0 includes a built-in data logger with USB output. Rugged polycarbonate carry cases are included..
- • For Clean Liquids
- • Wide Range of Pipe Sizes
- • Portable, Battery Powered
- • Measures and Totalizes Flow in Both Directions
- • 4-20mA Output
- • Pulse Output
- • Rugged Carry Case
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